
On behalf of the holders of the rights of the performers, whose performances are fixed in phonograms, and the holders of the rights of the phonogram producers, IPF, k.o., based on the permit issued by the competent authority, collectively manages rights in the phonograms already published. We collect the rights revenue according to the Rules on the Use of Phonograms, the applicable tariffs and agreements and distribute it between the rights holders according to the Performers' Rights Revenue Distribution Rules and Phonogram Producers' Rights Revenue Distribution Rules. The basic principle of the collected rights revenue distribution is the principle of actual usage, according to which IPF, k.o. aims to ensure, to the extent possible, the rights revenue is distributed between the beneficiaries whose phonograms or performances have actually been used.


IPF, k.o. strives to manage the related rights of performers and phonogram producers efficiently both in Slovenia and abroad. Our goal is to become the most cost-efficient collective management organisation.



Striving to be efficient, IPF, k.o. incorporates innovative approaches and globally acknowledged models of good practice to manage the rights holders' rights successfully. Constant changes of the environment and technology platforms demand great flexibility and present ever-new challenges we face successfully. Reducing the costs of the rights revenue collection, we keep increasing the revenue to be distributed to the rights holders.



All IPF, k.o. members are encouraged to take part in decisions regarding their rights management; they are all invited to attend general meetings and may run for and be elected as members of the IPF, k.o. management bodies.

All data and documents on license fees (tariffs and agreements) for the users of protected works are available at www.ipf.si.

ADMISS, a website portal for the rights holders, offers up to date data on the use of protected repertoire of each individual rights holder.

IPF, k.o. informs the users and rights holders by means of a PR service, which, by keeping updates on current events, amendments to legislation, information on rights, etc., ensures maximum business transparency.


Focus on rights holders

The rights holders represent the core of our activities. Ipf, k.o. aims to manage their rights efficiently, with maximum distribution fund in mind.



Focus on rights holders



We have been building a corporate culture based on responsibility. We respect people and the environment. We demonstrate utmost responsibility towards the employees, we strive to establish good relationships of mutual trust and ensure both professional and personal development of each individual. We are committed to minimising the risk of work related injuries and health issues. Our goal is a safe and healthy work environment. By means of clear goals and flexible rewarding we encourage greater motivation of the employees. We feel responsible towards the users of protected works as well as the rights holders and we strive to meet and exceed their expectations. We are a reliable, transparent and trustworthy business partner, dealing responsibly with our suppliers, in accordance with international standards, legal and other requirements.

We value the knowledge and competence of each individual, promote professional and personal development, and encourage team work.

We monitor the success and efficiency of all business processes and activities and ensure their constant improvement.